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XperiFirm v4.9.0 "firmware sony Ericsson "

ince XperiFirm 4.5.3 a file called "fwinfo.xml" will be created by XperiFirm inside the firmware's folder!
This file is used by Flashtool to create an FTF for you automatically.
UPDATE YOUR FLASHTOOL TO (or newer), or else flashing your firmware will fail with an error!

...Lets you download the current firmware for all Sony/Sony-Ericsson smartphones and tablets running Android, mostly of the Xperia line.

v4.9.0 [April 20, 2016]:
- NEW: You can now set a default download folder in XperiFirm's Settings panel.
- FIX: Some internal changes had to be made to support changes made by Sony for old devices: They deleted many of the images, thus I remade all of the device icons manually and stored them on XperiFirm's server. Moreover, resources (icons) are no longer preloaded from Sony servers (nothing left to preload there), thus launching XperiFirm is now faster.
- MINOR: Many old firmware are now being grayed out, which means that they are located on the old (no longer maintained) Sony server. Many of these firmware will warn for missing files as well. There's nothing that can be done about that.

XperiFirm v4.9.0

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